# Python Thesaurus Config
# Copyright (c) 2019 Dave Cinege
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
__VERSION__ = (2, 9, 0, 20191113)
import os
import sys
import re
import shlex
from string import Template
from thesaurus import thes, thesext
class cfg_types (object):
class __EXAMPLE (object):
def set (self, key, val, curval):
"""value assignment call.
return value is passed to __setitem__()"""
return val
def parse (self, key, val):
"""str value as parsed from cfg format.
return value is passed to __setitem__()"""
return val
def dump (self, key, val):
"""return value is converted to str() and
written to cfg format"""
return val
class static (object):
"""Return current value for setitem except
when *first* read from cfg"""
def set (self, key, val, curval):
return curval
class int (object):
def parse (self, key, val):
return int(val)
class static_int (static, int):
class str_list (object):
def parse (self, key, val):
return shlex.split(val)
def dump (self, key, val):
if len(val) == 0:
return ''
s = ''
for i in val:
s += '"%s" ' % (i.replace('"','\\"'))
return s[:-1]
class str_to_bool (object):
""""Support 3 values: True, False, None"""
def set (self, key, val, curval):
if val in (True, False, None):
return val
raise ValueError(s)
def parse (self, key, val):
s = val.lower()
if s in ('true', 'yes', 'on', '1'):
return True
if s in ('false', 'no', 'off', '0'):
return False
if s in ('none', ''):
return None
raise ValueError(s)
def dump (self, key, val):
if val == None:
return 'None'
return bool(val)
class ipv4 (object):
def set (self, key, val, curval):
return self.parse(key, val)
def parse (self, key, val):
l = val.split('.')
if len(l) != 4:
raise ValueError(val)
for i in l:
i = int(i)
raise ValueError(val)
if i < 0 or i > 255:
raise ValueError(val)
return val
class configparser (object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._thes_type = thesext
self._value_lstrip = True
self._value_rstrip_comment = True
self._value_rstrip = True
for k,v in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, '_'+k, v)
def split_key (self, key):
lex = shlex.shlex(key, posix=True)
lex.whitespace_split = True
lex.whitespace = '.'
return list(lex)
def read(self, filename=None, t=None):
if t == None: t = self._thes_type()
t = self._thes_type()
with open(filename, 'r') as fp:
return self.readfp(fp, t)
def readfp (self, fp=None, t=None):
if t == None: t = self._thes_type()
return self.parse(t, fp.read())
def parse (self, t=None, s='', func_map={}):
"""Original trimmed text is returned, sustain for input back to parse"""
def full_key (root_key, key):
if root_key != '':
return root_key+'.'+key
return key
if t == None: t = self._thes_type()
comment_mline_double_pat = r'(\A|\n)""".*?"""(\Z|\n)'
comment_mline_single_pat = r"(\A|\n)'''.*?'''(\Z|\n)"
comment_line_pat = r'(\A|\n)#.*'
empty_head_pat = r'\A\n+?'
empty_tail_pat = r'\n+?\Z'
empty_line_pat = r'\n\n+'
keyval_line_pat = r'\n([^ \t].*?)\n'
s = re.sub('\r\n', '\n', s) # DOS conversion
s = re.sub('\r', '\n', s) # MAC conversion
# Python 2.6 doesn't accept flags= on methods, so compile all
s = re.compile(comment_mline_double_pat, flags=re.UNICODE|re.DOTALL).sub('', s)
s = re.compile(comment_mline_single_pat, flags=re.UNICODE|re.DOTALL).sub('', s)
s = re.compile(comment_line_pat, flags=re.UNICODE).sub('', s)
s = re.compile(empty_head_pat, flags=re.UNICODE|re.DOTALL).sub('', s)
s = re.compile(empty_tail_pat, flags=re.UNICODE|re.DOTALL).sub('', s)
s = re.compile(empty_line_pat, flags=re.UNICODE|re.DOTALL).sub('\n', s)
# I know this is a bad idea to touch data, but just soooo easy for now
evil_mline_sep = '__%%mline_sep%0A%%__'
s = re.compile('\n[ \t]', flags=re.UNICODE|re.DOTALL).sub(evil_mline_sep, s)
re_mline_sep = re.compile(evil_mline_sep, flags=re.UNICODE|re.DOTALL)
re_sep = re.compile('[=:]+?', flags=re.UNICODE)
root_key = ''
for line in s.split('\n'):
if line.strip() == '':
# FIX ME suport empty root sections without []
if line.startswith('[') and line.rstrip().endswith(']'):
root_key = line.rstrip()[1:-1].strip() # '[]' section resets root_key
root_keypath = self.split_key(root_key)
if root_key != '' and root_keypath not in t:
t.set_path(root_keypath, self._thes_type()) # FIX me use parent class
key,value = re_sep.split(line, 1)
value = re_mline_sep.sub('\n', value)
if self._value_rstrip_comment:
if '\n' not in value:
value = value.rsplit('#')[0]
if self._value_rstrip:
value = value.rstrip()
if self._value_lstrip:
value = value.lstrip()
if '(' not in key:
key = full_key(root_key, key.strip())
funcname = None
key,funcvar = key.strip().split('(')
key = full_key(root_key, key.strip())
funcname = funcvar[:-1].strip()
keypath = self.split_key(key)
if len(keypath) > 1 and keypath[:-1] not in t:
t.set_path(keypath, self._thes_type())
o = t[keypath[:-1]]
key = keypath[-1]
if funcname and funcname in func_map:
if hasattr(func_map[funcname], 'parse'):
o._ThesConf__parse_map[key] = func_map[funcname]().parse
if key in o._ThesConf__parse_map:
value = o._ThesConf__parse_map[key](key, value)
o[key] = value
if funcname and funcname in func_map:
if hasattr(func_map[funcname], 'set'):
o._ThesConf__set_map[key] = func_map[funcname]().set
if hasattr(func_map[funcname], 'dump'):
o._ThesConf__dump_map[key] = func_map[funcname]().dump
return t
def write (self, fp=None, t=None):
if t == None: t = self._thes_type()
return self.dump(t, fp.read())
def dump(self, t, sections=0, empty_sect=True):
def recursedict(d, sections, empty_sect, key_tree=[], depth=0, s='', r=''):
for k,v in iter(d.items()):
if hasattr(v, 'keys'):
if '.' in k:
r = recursedict(v, sections, empty_sect, key_tree, depth+1)
if sections and depth < sections:
if r or empty_sect:
if s != '': s += '\n' # Not at top of output
s += '[%s]\n' % (key_treepath(key_tree))
elif not r and empty_sect:
s += '%s\n' % (key_treepath(key_tree))
s += r
if sections and depth == 0 and r: # More root level values after recursing
s += '\n[]\n'; r = '' # Reset section so not absorbed by previous
if k in d._ThesConf__dump_map:
v = d._ThesConf__dump_map[k](k, v)
if '\n' in str(v):
v = ':\n\t%s\n' % (v.replace('\n','\n\t'))
v = ' = %s\n' % (str(v))
if not sections:
s += key_treepath(key_tree, k) + v
s += key_treepath(key_tree[sections:], k) + v
return s
return recursedict(t, sections, empty_sect)
class ThesConf (object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.__set_map = dict()
self.__parse_map = dict()
self.__dump_map = dict()
def read (self, filename, *args, **kwargs):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
return self.parse(f.read(), *args, **kwargs)
def parse (self, data, *args, **kwargs):
return configparser(thes_type=self.__class__).parse(self, data, func_map=func_map)
def write (self, fp, *args, **kwargs):
fp.write(self.dump(*args, **kwargs))
def dump (self, sections=0, empty_sect=True):
return configparser(thes_type=self.__class__).dump(self, sections, empty_sect)
class ThesaurusCfg (thesext, ThesConf):
"""A configuration file format utilizing the Thesaurus
data type supporting nested sections and parse, dump,
and assignment callbacks functions."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
thesext.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def __setattr__ (self, name, value):
if name.startswith('_ThesConf__'):
return object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
if '_ThesConf__set_map' in self.__dict__ and name in self._ThesConf__set_map:
value = self._ThesConf__set_map[name](name, value, self[name])
return thesext.__setattr__(self, name, value)
def __setitem__ (self, key, value):
if '_ThesConf__set_map' in self.__dict__ and key in self._ThesConf__set_map:
value = self._ThesConf__set_map[key](key, value, self[key])
return thesext.__setitem__(self, key, value)
class mapper (dict):
"""map from multiple objects:
'%(a)s %(b)s' % mapper(locals(), dict0, class1 ...)"""
def __init__ (self, *args):
self.__mappings = args
def __hasattr__ (self, name):
return self.__contains__(name)
def __getattr__ (self, name):
return self.__getitem__(name)
def __contains__(self, key):
return True
return False
def __getitem__ (self, key):
for d in self.__mappings:
return d[key]
except: pass
return getattr(d, key)
except: pass
raise KeyError('can not map: {0}'.format(key))
def kwmapper (*args):
""" '{keyname}'.format(**kwmapper(locals(), dict0, class1 ... ))
NOTE: this can not recurse into object attributes like mapper
because it's copying to a single dict. :-( With that said
''.format(kwmapper()) is much faster then % (printf) or string.Template
using mapper().
kw = dict()
for d in args:
if isinstance(d, dict):
elif hasattr(d, '__dict__'):
for k in d.__dict__:
if k.startswith('_'):
kw[k] = getattr(d, k)
raise TypeError('can not map: {0}'.format(type(d)))
return kw
Wrapper functions for .format(), % (printf), and string.Template that use the
last argument as the input string and all preceding arguments with kwmapper
or mapper(). Use it like this for very clean syntax with large block strings:
s = fmt(locals(), dict0, class1, thes2, '''
/sbin/iptables -t nat -F {chain}
/sbin/iptables -t nat -D {parent.chain} -j {chain}
/sbin/iptables -t nat -X {chain}
/sbin/iptables -t nat -N {chain}
def fmt (*args):
return args[-1].format(**kwmapper(*(args[:-1])))
def prtf (*args):
return args[-1] % mapper(*(args[:-1]))
class template (Template):
"""add '.' and recognize digits so we can
recurse with Thesaurus. Must use ${} to recurse."""
idpattern = r'[_a-z0-9][._a-z0-9]*' # orig r'[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*'
delimiter = '$'
def tmpl (*args):
return template(args[-1]).substitute(mapper(*(args[:-1])))
def tmpl_safe (*args):
return template(args[-1]).safe_substitute(mapper(*(args[:-1])))
# tl;dr: use fmt() for speed unless you have f-string available (py 3.6+)
# t = thes() ; t.set_path('a.b.c.table', '9999'); table = '123'
# test_str = '''\n/sbin/iptables -t {table} -N {a.b.c.table}\n/sbin/iptables -t {table} -A\n'''
# 100000 Iteration performance test cPython 3.6 cPython2.7 cPython2.6
# tmpl(locals(), t, test_str) 1.0474729537963867 1.19237399101 1.44343900681
# prtf(locals(), t, test_str) 0.5701203346252441 0.709426879883 0.879161119461
# fmt(locals(), t, test_str) 0.4930698871612549 0.479194879532 0.610402822495
# fstr(test_str)
# test_str.format(**locals(), **t) 0.396730899810791 N/A N/A
# f''' (f-string) 0.2974255084991455 N/A N/A
def fstr (s):
"""The poor mans' f-string for CPython2.6 -> 3.8+"""
return s.format(**sys._getframe(1).f_locals)
def readlineclean (s, nostrip=False, isfile=False, nocomments=True):
Iterate lines from str or filename, skips blanks and comments.
if isfile:
f = open(s)
lines = f.readlines
lines = s.splitlines
for line in lines():
if line.strip() == '' or line.strip().startswith('#'):
if nocomments:
line,_,_ = line.partition('#')
if nostrip:
yield line
yield line.strip()
except: pass
def key_treepath (key_tree, *keys):
"""''.join keeps playing with my emotions"""
return '.'.join(key_tree+list(keys))
#Define prefered import name
thescfg = ThesaurusCfg
if __name__ == '__main__':
#cp = configparser()
#t = thescfg()
a = 'Hello'
print(fstr('{a}! I am {__name__}'))
print(fstr('{a}! I am {__name__}. sys is {sys.__name__}'))
import time
t = thes()
t.set_path('a.b.c.table', '9999')
table = '123'
test_str = '''\n/sbin/iptables -t {table} -N {t.a.b.c.table}\n/sbin/iptables -t {table} -A\n'''
test_str = '''\n/sbin/iptables -t %(table)s -N %(a.b.c.table)s\n/sbin/iptables -t %(table)s -A\n'''
b = time.time()
for i in range(100000):
prtf(locals(), t, test_str)
print(time.time() - b)
test_str = '''\n/sbin/iptables -t {table} -N {a.b.c.table}\n/sbin/iptables -t {table} -A\n'''
b = time.time()
for i in range(100000):
fmt(locals(), t, test_str)
print(time.time() - b)
test_str = '''\n/sbin/iptables -t {table} -N {t.a.b.c.table}\n/sbin/iptables -t {table} -A\n'''
b = time.time()
for i in range(100000):
print(time.time() - b)
#keypaths = t.search_key('ip')
#print('keypaths:', keypaths)
#for keypath in keypaths:
# print(t[keypath].ip)
#print('abc = 123',t.abc,type(t.abc))
#t.abc = 2000
#print('abc = 2000',t.abc,type(t.abc))
#t['abc'] = 4000
#print('abc = 4000',t.abc,type(t.abc))
#t['new'] = 1
#print(dir( mapper(cfg_types())))
print(t.find_item('table', '130'))
t = thescfg()
t.set_path('a.b.c.d', 'a value')
t.a.b.dt = dict()
t.a.b.dt['d1a'] = 1
t.a.b.dt['d1b'] = thescfg()
t.a.b.dt['d1b'].z = 3
t1 = thescfg()
#print(isinstance(t1, dict))
#Template.delimiter = r'%'
#for line in readlineclean('thesaurus_config.testcfg', isfile=True):
# print(line)